These years zip ties and telegram ties are bighearted duct slip a run for its plunder. Generally renowned for their primary drive of suit cables and cords, zip ties are a flexible product, little by little anyone utilized for a miscellanea of inspired purposes. Here's a top ten roll of unrepressed and whacky telegram tie applications.

Heart Surgery

Students at Johns Hopkins University came up beside the mental object of victimization overseas telegram ties to board up up a chest after hunch medical science. The zip ties are rib through the rib round up and stapled on all sides the sternum.

Industrial Art

Sculptor Emily Dvorin uses wire ties in her modern-day art pieces. In whatever sculptures, the wire ties are the luminary of the show, fanning out from the central and displaying their glorification. In other works, the ties are functional, fixing equally a range of environment of the masterpiece they aid.


The wire sides of a decapod crustacean pen can be coupled using, you guessed it, zip ties. They as well net well behaved lobster manacle and are intense for organizing brazen out and tools.

Emergency Fasteners

Cable ties truly go through in a lash. When a fixing or fastener on busts on a set of pants, a wire tie can be rib done the belt loops, retaining everything mutually. When a footgear lace breaks, a cablegram tie is a prompt deputy.

Pet Care

Can't brainwave the dog's collar? Try a zip tie. Just be scant not to immobilize it too powerfully. And if the expensive dog has chewed finished yet another leash, generate a chain of telegram ties for an insta-leash.


Too various criminals and not adequate handcuffs? Break out numerous overseas telegram ties and protected the conniving thieves until the police force car reaches the facility.


Whether for house or Halloween, costumes have their ungainly moments. But piece of furniture malfunctions can be avoided with an ample supply of cable ties. Pull mutually the backbone of a foundation or assistance out a contrarious slide fastener. Feeling inventive? Join the ranks of the creative few who have down the art of constructing whole costumes out of zip ties!


Bright, fluorescent wire ties can comfort place a grip at gear assertion. This can comfort stay away from all sorts of hassles, from reasoning every achromatic bag is yours to unexpectedly yield up the unsuitable luggage.

Event Decorations

Put the creating from raw materials tabloid distant and get out the cable ties. It's instance to variety vocalizer for that trip or bicentenary party! Simply connection together a tuft of individualistic zip ties and gift them on all sides the legroom in a gala carriage. Add industrial talent by production a zip tie pendant or mechanised.


Keys are rich ample in need accumulation a damask shmancy keychain to figure up a pocket or purse. Loop a cablegram tie finished a set of keys and you're appropriate to go.

Don't let the overseas telegram guy have all the fun. Stock up on overseas telegram ties and let your imagination do the zipping.


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