Most of us rely on our cars to get us from A to B, but the fuel to mark these cars run are constantly changing and even if the petrol/gasoline goes up by just a few pence or cents a litre it makes all the difference as families live on a very small budget and the slightest change to this budget makes it so hard for a family to survive, but that does not matter to our governments as they still do not mind taxing the fuel high, especially in Britain
There has not been much of an alternative and we have all had to endure the huge price increases, but for the past for years there has been a small light at the end of the tunnel in the form of Hybrid Cars which use both Petrol/Gasoline Engines and they work in conjunction with an electric motor, so when you are at a stop or you pull of slowly the electric motor is doing all the work then once you are at a certain speed then the petrol/gasoline engine kicks in, but many people have already wrote about this which is nothing new
But what many of do not know is what are the best hybrid vehicles on the market as more and more car manufactures jump on the band wagon, when I say to you what are the best hybrids at the moment I mean in terms of what gives you the best fuel efficiency so how many MPG
Well the car that is taking up the number one spot has always been the Toyota Prius and has helped Toyota get so big in America, all you have to do is look at the figures to see why the Pirus is the number one, 60 MPG in the City and 51 MPG on the motorway/highway
Number two has to go to the Honda Civic where you are able to achieve around 49 MPG in the city and 51 MPG on the motorway/highway
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And third is also taken up by a Toyota but this time the Camry Hybrid which will give you 40MPG in the city and 8 MPG on the run
The only problem that the Hybrid car has at the moment is the performance, do not expect it to be super quick, but I am sure as time goes on the technology inside will just keep getting better and better, but on the plus side second hand values of the hybrid car do not fall as much as a petrol/ gasoline version of the same model which is another way to save money as well